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Comprehensive Care, One Fixed Price

Total Care Plan Evaluation

Our core mission is to Free Staff to Make Great Wine and Engage Consumers. Our Total Care Group Plan is how we accomplish this mission. For more information, or to schedule a free Total Care Plan Evaluation, please Contact Us.

Power In Numbers

IT's Total Care Group Plan (or Total Care Plan, or just TCP) is a comprehensive package including every type of support we offer outside of Professional Services (where we do custom software development on a project basis). The idea is that for one flat monthly fee WineryConnect will deliver world-class IT support to wineries. To succeed at this, we need to excel at three core functions, all of which are required to deliver consistently great results:


​​1) IT Leadership
This​ is key. Every winery is unique because every winery owner is unique and has unique dreams, perspectives, and specific business goals. The core of Total Care Plan IT Leadership is a regular strategic meeting (typically a Quarterly Business Review) where our Founder (Sam Weiner) works with high level management at each client individually to progressively align technology to support business objectives and formalize an IT roadmap for the organization.


​​2) Select Centralized Services

Every winery is unique in exactly what technology they need to support operations at the current growth stage and given specific business objectives. That having been said, there are a number of common cloud technology services which are useful to every business. The Total Care Plan includes a selected (and growing) set of these services such as (just a few examples):

  1. Our proprietary commerce data fabric, the CommerceConnect Fabric (CCF)

  2. Remote Management & Monitoring of winery infrastructure.​

  3. Properly licensed and powerfully customizable music streaming

  4. Cloud Backup

  5. Cybersecurity and Antivirus

  6. Password management


3) Support
This is our Grape Squad which is absolutely industry expert. We started helping wineries in 2013, and the Grape Squad has learned over the years from all our clients how best to support winery staff in engaging consumers in the tasting room, online, at festivals, and in other contexts.​​​

TCP Virtuous Cycle.png

​Where our clients need particularly complex and individual technology support, WineryConnect offers Professional Services (custom software development with a focus on integration, automation, and management reporting) on a project basis. Very often these projects will take the form of enhancements to CCF as clients need custom reports created and Connections built to additional cloud business systems. In this way WineryConnect is able to support a continually expanding ecosystem of best-of-breed business systems which work for wineries (Point Of Sale, online stores and wine clubs, online reservations, etc.). CCF is included in TCP, creating a feedback loop - the more Connections we build, the more broadly we can support winery operations, and the more broadly we support winery operations the more we will identify opportunities to build Connections.

In addition to continually adding business system partners, WineryConnect works closely with the Finger Lakes Community College to nurture technically minded students with an interest in wineries and the Grape Squad. The net result is a virtuous cycle where we continually enhance the services we offer, and we continually grow the people who support those services.

​In addition to Quarterly Business Reviews with each client, WineryConnect conducts Group Business Reviews with interested Total Care Plan participants to collectively talk about common technology challenges and potential solutions. The group acts as a common voice to our technology partners (e.g. Revel Systems, TrueCommerce Nexternal, InnoVint, and so on) to champion changes our clients would like to see in their operational systems.

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